Highlights of key activities in our outreach to local communities in Yankari Game Reserve from February 9th to 11th, 2024:
- Held meetings with community locals and their leaders in Kargo, Shafa, and Dagudi communities to discuss human-elephant conflicts.
- Launch of an elephant football league to promote youth participation and awareness in conservation efforts.
- Establishment of elephant conservation clubs.
- Gathering valuable scientific data on elephant activities, population decline, human-wildlife conflicts, and human behavior through community interviews, with the invaluable efforts of interns and students.
- Courtesy visit to the General Manager of Yankari Game Reserve to discuss the plight of locals facing human-elephant conflicts and to advocate for collective support.
- Improved collaboration between local communities, management of Yankari Game Reserve, and project partners in conservation efforts advocacy for elephant conservation.
#SaveNigeriasElephants #YankariGameReserve #ElephantConservation.